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Do Bad Things by Cluegirl NC-18
Draco finally gets his chance to prove to Severus how much better a catch he...
To Heal the World by Alisanne NC-18
Given the opportunity, Fate often finds a way to reward her heroes.
Prickles on the outside by Curia_Regis PG
Harry has become a recluse, hiding away from the rest of the wizarding world...
An Adventurous Life by Laurenke NC-18
When Draco Malfoy is told to find Harry Potter and who in turns tells him to...
Deep in the Drowning Green by lomonaaeren NC-18
Summary: The hunt for Bellatrix’s Horcrux will take Harry and Snape into...
Flying Colours by Gatewaygirl NC-18
The Contrivance Match -- each team devises one Contrivance to help them on the...
a man-made monstrosity by winnett PG-13
Some say the world will end in fire, unfortunately, for Harry, it might be brought...
A Few Syllables Short of a Spell by Curia_Regis R
Romilda Vane is pregnant. A paternity test proves that Harry is the father...
Endurance of Life by lomonaaeren R
Harry was hit with a curse that the Healers were helpless to stop. Now, on Beltane...
Berry Red by Olimakiella R
An explosion in the Forensic Potions Department of the Ministry of Magic has...
Random Story
Blue Paste by me_midget NC-18
Summary: The Beltane celebrations have had a long tradition in Hogwarts and...
Welcome to the HDS Beltane story archive.
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Posting began May 1.

--Admin on 2008.04.28 - 10:15 pm